Monday, April 30, 2012

A.J. McLean: Father-To-Be

All you Backstreet Boys fans brace yourself!!! Yes, it is true!! A.J. and wife, Rochelle DeAnna Karidis are expecting their first child! He and his wife wed Dec. 17, 2011, I for one can't wait to see their little bundle of joy!! Congrats A.J. and Rochelle!!!

photo from

The Kardashians

I don't know about you all but I am sick of seeing the Kardashians on every magazine cover! They think they are this "awesome" family, but they are just annoying! They have even been offered $40 million to do another season of the Kardashians! For real? They don't need $40 million! They get money any way they can. Kim's separation/divorce from Kris Humphries made $$$ for sure!

The new couple of Kim & Kanye just makes me sick! Like c'mon! This is totally stupid! I don't believe for one second that this is real! They want publicity all day every day! I can't wait for the day when the Kardashians and their name are out of the celeb world completely!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Celebrity of the Day: Katy Perry

No matter what she is going through Katy Perry presents herself in a well-mannered way! She always glows wherever she is and her hairstyle is even fun! Her recent split with Russell Brand hasn't brought her down and I think she is much better without him! Her songs have topped the charts numerous times and I think she deserves a shout out! Congrats Katy for always being fun and loving life!!

photos from Google Images

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pitt?

Yes it is true! Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are engaged! Personally I am team Brad and Jen but I am happy that these two are finally tying the knot. There isn't much information on when or where they will wed but I am sure it will be one BIG celebration.

photo from Google Images

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sorry For Not Posting!

Hello Friends!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I have been super busy! But! Look out for the next Celebrity-of-the-Day coming soon! :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Celebrity of the Day: Lauren Conrad

As most of you know, Lauren was discovered and made famous from her leading role on Laguna Beach and The Hills on MTV. However, Lauren had bigger dreams than being on reality tv. She wanted to be in the fashion world and design. She started her fashion career with The Lauren Conrad Collection, debuted at the Mercedes-Benz LA Fashion Week at Smashbox Studios in March 2008. However, she took a break on her fashion line and her 2009s spring and summer lines were cancelled. In fall 2009, Lauren launched LC by Lauren Conrad in Kohl's stores nationwide. Lauren's recent fashion line, Paper Crown, came to stores in fall 2011. In April 2011, Conrad, along with her hairstylist Kristin Ess and her makeup artist Amy Nadine, launched a beauty website called The Beauty Department. The site offers beauty advice and tips as well as how-tos and tutorials. In September 2011, Conrad announced plans to expand The Beauty Department to include a beauty/cosmetic line as well as to expand her current fashion lines. Lauren has come a long way since her reality tv days. Who knew she would make a name for herself after that! Lauren is very inspirational to many girls and that is why she is today's celebrity of the day!

photo from